No, you can’t miss it in Florence

This is a quick list of some of the best places in Florence. Check it and enjoy!

1. Le Murate – An artistic and creative space. Not only that. In spring and summer, it’s one of the liveliest spots for Florentines to chat, listen to music and eat.

2. Marino Marini Museum – You mustn’t miss a visit to this museum entirely dedicated to the sculptor, and after the visit, a piece of schiacciata at Forno Top, a stone’s throw from the Museum.

3. Church of Ognissanti- To admire the gem of Ghirlandaio’s Last Supper, in person.

4. Sant’Ambrogio neighborhood – To relive the novels of Vasco Pratolini and visit Florence’s Synagogue

5. La Strozzina – The latest contemporary art exhibit? Here, right in the center. And after the exhibition, shopping on Via Tornabuoni, the high fashion street.

6. Fiesole Go up to cool off a little and visit the ancient acropolis, with the Basilica of Sant’Alessandro.

7. Visit Palazzo Capponi Where Hannibal was filmed, with Anthony Hopkins.

Our favourites from the list:
Church of Ognissanti, perfect for an unforgettable Italian wedding